Welcome to a significant advance in dental prosthetics:
The Semados® Esthetic Line from BEGO. Our motto "Perfection down to the smallest detail" manifests itself in every facet of this line, especially through the revolutionary concave design of the prosthetic components.

This innovation is key to achieving long-term stable and esthetically pleasing results for your patients; in particular, subcrestal placement of implants is supported by the Semados Esthetic Line, providing you with the best possible support in your efforts to manage soft tissue and create an esthetic emergence profile.

In addition, the design of the prosthetic components has been optimized according to the latest findings and supplemented with intuitive color coding and improved digital and analog impression systems. The availability of all prosthetic components for all implant diameters ensures that you will find the right solution for every clinical situation.

With the Semados® Esthetic Line, we are setting new standards in dentistry. We support you in offering your patients an optimized, aesthetic and functional prosthetic restoration. With the BEGO Security Plus guarantee, we offer you real added value and additional security for your patients.

Our comprehensive 5-year guarantee gives you confidence in the BEGO brand. In addition to your fee, the BEGO Security Plus Guarantee also covers the prosthetic restoration and any material costs incurred. This guarantee covers restorations with BEGO Semados® implants, BEGO Implant Systems prosthetic components and individual abutments manufactured using the BEGO CAD/CAM process, as well as the dentures fitted on them.

Discover with us how the Semados® Esthetic Line pushes the boundaries of what is possible in modern dentistry.

Perfection down to the smallest Detail – BEGO Semados® Eshtetic Line

The BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line supports the aesthetic restoration of cemented and screw-retained dentures on our current implants with PS design. The crowns and bridge restorations can be fabricated both conventionally and digitally.

  1. Concave emergence profile ensures a better aesthetic and functional result of the prosthetic restoration
  2. Concave emergence profile supports all surgical protocols from supracrestal to subcrestal implant placement
  3. Concave emergence profile supports the concept of platform switching with its geometric shape
  4. Five gingival heights enable optimum adaptation to the individual anatomical situation of each patient
  5. Digital and analogue impressions in two lengths enable optimal addressing of every clinical situation and facilitate handling
  6. Colour coding of all prosthetic components increases patient safety, as mix-ups of implant diameters during treatment are avoided

The main feature of the products is the reduced-diameter, concave design in the transgingival area of all components to stabilise and support the thickening of the soft tissue cuff. On the one hand, the concave design supports thickening of the gingiva and facilitates soft tissue management in order to achieve optimal gingival esthetics. On the other hand, the concave design allows complete surgical freedom during implant placement. From supracrestal to subcrestal - the BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line supports the entire surgical spectrum. A particular advantage is that the use of a bone profiler can be dispensed with when restoring subcrestal implants. This preserves and protects the crestal bone in addition to the familiar platform switching, which supports bone remodelling.

All components are available with emergence profiles or respectivly gingival heights from one to five in one-millimetre increments and are colour-coded according to the implant diameter. Depending on the component and requirements, the anodisation is either full-surface anodisation (e.g. impression posts) or partial anodisation (e.g. hexagon of the solid abutment).

Perfection down to the smallest Detail – The range of indications for the BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line

The BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line was specially developed for fixed dentures, in particular for crown and bridge techniques and the associated temporary restorations at implant level. Thanks to its extensive portfolio, the BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line is equally suitable for restoring edentulous and partially edentulous jaws.

This product range supports prosthetic restorations both through individualised procedures (CAD/CAM abutments) and through the use of prefabricated components (standard abutments such as solid abutments), including temporary restorations.

As a user of the BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line, you have the option of choosing the surgical protocol according to your wishes - from supracrestal to subcrestal implantation, without having to rely on the use of a bone profiler.

Perfection down to the smallest Detail – BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line Healing Abutments

  • Full-surface colour coding for safe use
  • Tulip-shaped, concave profile supports soft tissue conditioning

The BEGO Semados®Esthetic Line healing abutments are colour-coded and actively shape the emergence profile during the healing process of the gums thanks to their tulip-shaped design. Unlike the temporary or final abutments of the Esthetic Line, the concave part of our healing abutments is shaped parallel to ensure a secure insertion and removal for the impression.

The BEGO Semados® Esthetic HP portfolio is available in all relevant diameters and facilitates the selection of components based on the clinical gingival height measured by the dentist on the patient. In addition to the specified dimensions, a height of 2 mm has been added by design to ensure supragingival positioning. The total length is therefore calculated by adding the measured gingival height (GH) and a further 2 mm

Note: Our product range will be expanded at the beginning of 2025 to include an HPW (healing post wide body) variant.

Perfection down to the smallest Detail – BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line impression

The BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line portfolio gives you the option of taking digital and analogue impressions. The analogue impression posts are available in open tray (OTI) and closed tray (CTI) versions and give you the option of choosing between two different lengths so that you can optimally address every clinical situation.

  • Proven strong retentions for secure fixation in the impression material
  • 2 heights for improved ease of use for edentulous and partially edentulous patients
  • Parallel emergence profile for compression-free and safe impression of the subgingival situation down to implant level
  • Receptacle for plastic repositioning aid for safe model production
  • 2 heights for improved ease of use in case of switching gaps
  • Tulip-shaped rising emergence profile corresponding to the healing post

    Ideal for closed impression at tissue level with pre-assembled healing posts
  • New design for best scan results and maximum user-friendliness
  • 2 heights for improved ease of use for edentulous and partially edentulous patients
  • Emergence of the scan posts without undercuts for easy and safe insertion and removal

The BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line portfolio gives you the option of taking digital and analogue impressions. The analogue impression posts are available in open tray (OTI) and closed tray (CTI) versions and give you the option of choosing between two different lengths so that you can optimally address every clinical situation.

  • Thanks to its slim design, the open tray impression (Esthetic OTI) supports a precise impression of the individual soft tissue situation in the subgingival region and is therefore particularly suitable for restorations with high aesthetic requirements. The shortened hexagon and a functional vertical slot simplify the separation of the impression in the case of divergent implant axes. The slotting of the abutment also ensures a precise rotational and gap-free fit to the implant and the model analogue, which ensures extremely precise transfer of the implant position to the master model.
  • The emergence profile of the closed tray impression (Esthetic CTI) corresponds to that of the Healing Abutments and is particularly suitable as a tissue-level impression in the posterior region, where the implant and tooth axes largely coincide.
  • The scan bodies for digital impressions (Esthetic CADP) are made in one piece from titanium and are adapted for various implant diameters. The new design, together with the HLD® surface, ensures that the scan bodies can be optimally captured by optical scanners, thus ensuring accurate prosthetic results. The Esthetic CADP is available in two lengths (L9 and L12) that are optimised for every clinical situation, whether edentulous or partially edentulous.

Please note that our products are approved as single-use products and are supplied non-sterile.

Perfection down to the smallest Detail – Temporary Abutments from the BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line

  • Analogue and digital processing
  • Emergence profile matched to healing abutments
  • Five gingival heights for a bony adhesive joint

The temporary cylinders of the BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line offer the features already familiar from the PS Line. These include the proven retention, the chimney height and easy customisation.

The five new gingival heights, which are harmonised with the portfolio, make the temporary abutment versatile and thus support an optimal restoration.

The low gingival heights GH1 and GH2 are perfect for customised CAD/CAM restorations, as they allow the design of an individual emergence profile. On the other hand, the high gingival heights GH4 and GH5 are ideal for immediate restorations of edentulous jaws with four or six implants. This avoids working in the wound area (e.g. with liquid resins) and ensures safe application of the rubber dam.

Our new temporary cylinders are available both in HEX versions for single-tooth restorations and in No-hex versions for bridges.

Perfection down to the smallest Detail – Adhesive Bases from the BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line

  • Up to 29° angulation of screw channel possible
  • Optimized adhesive surface thanks to two chimney heights
  • Rotation stop matched to ceramic milling processs and tools
  • 5 gingival heights for an adhesive joint that is far from the bone

The new Esthetic CAD/CAM adhesive bases offer two chimney heights (AH = working height) in addition to the five gingival height harmonised with the portfolio. This makes the adhesive bases suitable for a variety of clinical situations and a wide range of restorative materials. The design and variants support new approaches to restorations in the aesthetic zone.

In addition, material-specific requirements for the bonding surface are better addressed. Superstructures with a clinical height of 10 mm or more benefit in particular from the chimney height AH8 , which offers a larger bonding surface and mechanical support. A rotation protection groove optimised for the milling analogues used in the laboratory supports precise milling and fitting of the restorations (figure in red).

All Esthetic CAD/CAM adhesive bases support the angulated screw channel function. During the CAD design, the alignment of the screw channel and thus the exit point of the screw can be individually defined in certain dimensions in the software.

In addition to the now given compatibility with standard soft tissue management with the healing abuments, the components also support subcrestal placement of the implants.

Perfection down to the smallest Detail - Titanium Abutments from the BEGO Semados® Esthetic Line

  • Emergence profile with increasing diameter for optimal crown shape
  • Tulip-shaped, concave profile for optimum soft tissue conditioning
  • Color-coding of the implant interface for safe use

Esthetic TiA and Esthetic TiAA represent a pioneering development in the field of solid abutments for crowns and bridges intended to be cemented. They utilise the proven die design and the familiar 15° angulations of the PS-Line. The five gingival heights, which are harmonised with the portfolio, are new and make this abutment versatile and thus support an optimal restoration.

The emergence profile of these abutments is harmonised with the healing abutments and thus contributes to an improved soft tissue environment around the implants without generating additional effort.

The tulip-shaped emergence profile and the uniform preparation margin support a harmonious transition to the restoration. In addition, the design allows the dental technician or dentist to customise the abutment using suitable tungsten carbide burs.

Workflow with customised Superstructures

If a standardised restoration is required in the posterior region without the need for extensive soft tissue management, a solution with prefabricated abutments is ideal.

For example, a healing abutment GH4 is selected for a measured gingival height of 5 mm. In the example shown, the final restoration is made with an Esthetic TIA titanium abutment with a gingival height of GH4 in order to be able to mould the sulcus through the crown to be cemented. With this technique, the preparation margin of the abutment is usually placed approx. 1 mm subgingivally in order to achieve a good overall aesthetic appearance. Alternatively, a titanium abutment with a gingival height of GH5 can be selected and adapted to the clinical situation by the dental technician by grinding.

Workflow with customised CAD/CAM Abutments

When treating patients with customised prosthetic solutions, the aim is often to achieve better aesthetics and function. The prerequisite for an optimal aesthetic result is customised soft tissue management.

This is carried out after uncovery of the implants using a long-term temporary restoration or customised healing abutment (Esthetic TiAA), which has the anatomically desired basic shape. The gingival height of the temporary cylinder and the definitive adhesive base (Esthetic CAD/CAM) is deliberately chosen to be low at GH 1 or GH2, as the emergence profile of the crown is customised by the dental technician using CAD/CAM technology. The impression of the situation is taken either digitally using the Esthetic CADP Scan post or using the open impression technique (Esthetic OTI). Due to the cylindrical design of the components, both techniques allow a precise impression of the soft tissue situation (Fig. 14 Dark red gingival areas) and thus provide the necessary information for the CAD/CAM workflow to design the customised abutment crown.

Mixed forms of different workflows

Certain user constellations, such as referral concepts, can complicate the digital workflow. If the implants are placed by surgeons and exposed after healing, standard healing abutments are often used.

The prosthodontist takes the digital (Esthetic CADP) or analogue impression (Esthetic OTI) and shapes the gingiva using a long-term temporary restoration (Esthetic TiAA) with an intermediate treatment step. In these cases, care should be taken to ensure that the healing abutment is selected to match the gingival height or, if necessary, 1 mm lower in order to utilise the maximum diameter of the healing abutment. The final restoration is made with CAD/CAM-fabricated restorations on adhesive bases (Esthetic CAD/CAM) with a medium gingival height such as GH2 or GH3.

The PS-Line HPW (Wide Body Healing Abutments) can be used to create an emergence profile even more voluminous utilising the above-mentioned workflow. The PS-Line HPWs do not follow the emergence profile of the new Esthetic Line or the associated PS-Line prosthetics, but are a technique already used by clinicians in the PS-Line range.