Request Scientific Studies VarseoSmile Crown plus

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Download our summary of scientific studies on VarseoSmile Crown plus now for free!

VarseoSmile Crown plus is the world's first hybrid material for 3D printing of permanent single crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers.
Scientific studies by renowned universities and institutes prove the excellent material properties.
The summary of the study results includes the following aspects:

  • Stability & Resistance
    • Breaking Load and Abrasion Resistance (10-year Chewing Simulation)
    • Abrasion and Surface Roughness (5-year Toothbrushing Simulation)
    • Long-term Cementation Stability, Decementation Behavior, and Marginal Gap Formation (5-year Chewing Simulation)
    • Bonding Strength with Luting Composite
    • Breaking Load on Titanium Adhesive Bases (5-year Chewing Simulation)
    • Breaking Load of Metal-Based Crowns with Veneers (5-year Chewing Simulation)
  • Aesthetics & Individualization
    • Adhesion of Sealants
    • Bonding Strength with Veneering Composites
    • Effects of Additional UV Light Curing Processes
  • Biocompatibility
    • Solubility
    • Cytotoxicity

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VarseoSmile Crown plus is distributed by Formlabs* as Permanent Crown.

* This symbol is a commercial designation/registered trademark of a company which is not part of the BEGO company group.